Choir arrangements:

Choir arrangements:

22nd January 2009

Here are some of the things coming up with the choir over the next few months:

Friday night, February 6th, 2009:
Concert in County Hall, Cwmbrân with Gwent Police Choir and Ysgol Gyfun Gwynllyw. The concert will start at 7pm and will be finished by about 8:30pm. We will meet the children in the foyer at 6:30pm. Tickets are on sale for £5 and are available with Ms Painter. Come and support as the money raised will go towards Paris.

Monday night, March 2nd, 2009:
Concert in the Congress Theatre, Cwmbrân. The choir is invited to sing in this concert every year and it’s our turn on the Monday night this time. We ask you kindly to bring the children to the Theatre by 5:30 pm and we will be finished by 7pm at the latest. Tickets will be on sale with Ms Painter closer to the time.

We have received confirmed details of the trip to Paris. We will be leaving at 11pm on the Wednesday night and arriving at Dover in time to leave at 5am. The children will need to be on the school yard, ready to leave at 10:45pm. We have arranged to sing in Paris on the Thursday afternoon along with the concert in Disney Land on the Friday.
Spending money:
We have decided to spend the money raised on food for the children in Paris. The children will therefore receive breakfast, a packed lunch and a meal in the night in the price so they won’t need any money for food. We think that £30 is enough for the children to bring; you might want to give them more than this but we’ve decided that no child should bring more than £50.
EUROS: The Post Office by the school has said that it will give us some money towards the trip if we get the euros from there. If possible, collect your euros from this post office so we can get as much money as we can.
Health forms:
Could you please fill in the health form and give them to Mr Tilling as soon as possible. (These will be given out tomorrow)

Thank you very much to Discount Tyres for getting our T-shirts and hooded jumpers done for us free of charge. They look fantastic and we appreciate this very much. We will be wearing them for the Côr Cymru competition.

If anyone knows anyone of else that can sponsor us or could contribute some money towards the trip, please let us know. Our target still hasn’t been reached.

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