This week's arrangements:
23rd January 2011
Here are a few things that will be happening in the school this week:
Website of the week:
Take a look at this week's website of the week:
(Click on the link below to access the page)
The Foundation Phase: bowns website
Key Stage 2:
ICT club during lunch break.
Computer explorers for years 4, 5 and 6 until 4:30.
Years 3 and 4 are going to St Fagan.
(Back in the school at 4pm)
Pupil of the week assembly. (9:10 am)
Sports club for years 4, 5 and 6 until 4:30.
The reception classes are visiting St Fagan.
Composing Club during lunch break.
No Urdd club.
The televistion program 'Cyw' is coming to film with the Founation Phase all day.
'Big Beat' workshop is coming in to work with year 5 pupils all day.
'Keep Me Safe' for years 4 and 5.
Choir practice until 5.
Book club for years 5 and 6 during lunch break.
The television program 'Ffeil' is coming to film year 6 pupils.
Thank you.