This Week's Arrangements:

This Week's Arrangements:

27th February 2011

Here are a few things that will be happening in the school this week:

The pupils will be back in school on Monday.

During the next two weeks, we will be celebrating 'Fair trade Fortnight' at the school.
(Take a look at the website below for more details)

Website of the week:
Take a look at this week's website of the week:
(Click on the link below to access the page)

Key Stage 2: Language games 'ieithgi.'
Foundation Phase: Balamory website.

ICT club during lunch break.
Computer explorers for years 3, 4, 5 and 6 until 4:30.

St. David's day.
(The pupils can come to school in their Welsh costumes)
No sports club.
Ymgom practice until 4:30.

Composing Club during lunch break.
No Urdd club.
Dancing practice until 4:30.

World Book Day.
(The children can come to school dressed as their favorite character from a book)
Choir practice until 5.

St. David's drama will be performed to KS2 pupils.
Book club for years 5 and 6 during lunch break.

Thank you.

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