Business and Enterprise week:

Business and Enterprise week:

11th April 2011

This week, we are holding a business and enterprise week in the school. During the week, we will be holding a number of different activities and workshops at the school.

The aim of the different activities is to promote business and enterprise in the school; to develop the pupils’ skills and to give each pupil the opportunity to have some experience of the world of work.

Here are some of the workshops that will be held in the school:

Fair Trade workshops. (Martha Musonza Holman)
Enterprise workshop with Tim Hall.
Welsh Water workshop and audit.
Fair Trade Assembly by Christian Aid.
Music workshop from Real Radio.
Cheese workshop from the company ‘A Chunk of Wales.’
The following companies will be holding workshops at the school:
Discount Tyres, Tudfil Training, Boots, National Statistics, Morgan Sindal and Lloyds.

Some of the pupils will be visiting these local companies / businesses:

A trip to ‘IG Doors’.
A trip to ‘Pizza Hut’, Cwmbrân.
A trip to ‘Pets at Home.’
A trip to ‘Springvale’.
A trip to ‘Burton’s Foods’.

Open Afternoon: Friday, April 15th, 2:30—3:45.

During the week, your child will be making a product to sell at the end of the week, during the open afternoon.

The PTA will be arranging light refreshments in the school hall and many local companies and businesses have been invited to the school to promote their work / company to you as parents of the school. We’re asking kindly for your support on the Friday to make the week a success. (If you’re interested in having a stall to promote your company / business on the Friday afternoon, please contact Mr Passmore at the school)

Come to support on Friday between 2:30 and 4.

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