Key Stage 2 Clubs:

Key Stage 2 Clubs:

6th September 2012

Here is a list of the clubs that are available for Key Stage 2 pupils:

Tuesday: Fintness Club.
Starting next week.

Sports club in the school for years 4, 5 and 6 until 4:30.

This half term’s sport is netball.

Football in the Footbal Factory between 4 and 5. (Letter to follow)

Urdd Club until 4:30.
Years 3, 4, 5 & 6.

Miss Passmore and Miss Griffiths will send a letter about the Urdd club. The club won’t start for a few weeks as the membership money needs to be collected first.

Thursday: Choir.
Choir practices will restart in the next few weeks, after Miss Griffiths has listened to new members sing. Miss Griffiths will inform members of the choir of the first practice with a letter.

Lunch time clubs will restart next week also.
Thank you.

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