Tidy Wales Week:

Tidy Wales Week:

13th September 2012

Next week is 'Tidy Wales Week' and as a school, we hope to take part in this scheme.

As it states on the 'Tidy Wales Week' website:

We hear constant complaints in the press and on TV about the state of our streets, beaches and rivers. The truth is that resolving many of the problems lies in our own hands. We live in busy times but most of us could spare a couple of hours to improve the visual appearance of our surroundings.

Make a difference this year and join us during Tidy Wales Week 2012. A week of clean-ups that takes place from 17 - 23 September 2012. There will be opportunities for you to muck in wherever you live in Wales.

As a school, we will be taking part in this week and the classes will be visiting different parts of the local area to tidy them up.

Please ensure that your child has sent the permission slips in before the beginning of next week. (Letter from Miss Jones to follow)

For more information, please click on the link below.

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