Christmas Concerts 2013:

Christmas Concerts 2013:

26th November 2013

These are the arrangements for our Christmas Concerts and Shows.

In order for us to comply with the Fire Safety Regulations entry this year to the concerts and shows will be by ticket only. Three tickets per family will be available for the Foundation Phase Concerts and the Junior Department Shows. Tickets will be £2 each and will be available from the school office (from Wednesday the 27th of November)

(If parents require any additional tickets there will be a waiting list and any unsold tickets will be distributed from the 9th of December).

10-12-13 Gwasanaeth Nadolig y Dosbarth Meithrin / Nursery Christmas Concert
10.30am a 1.30pm – yn neuadd yr ysgol / in the school hall
(ni fydd angen tocyn – no ticket required)

12-12-13 Gwasanaeth Nadolig y Cyfnod Sylfaen (yn y bore – yn yr ysgol)
10yb - dydd Iau, Rhagfyr y 12fed
Foundation Phase Christmas Service (in the morning – in the school)
10am - Thursday, December the 12th
(£2 y tocyn / £2 each for a ticket – 3 tickets per family)

12-12-13 Gwasanaeth Nadolig y Cyfnod Sylfaen (yn y prynhawn – yn yr ysgol)
2yp - dydd Iau, Rhagfyr y 12fed
Foundation Phase Christmas Service (in the afternoon – in the school)
2pm - Thursday, December the 12th
(£2 y tocyn / £2 each for a ticket – 3 tickets per family)

13-12-13 Gwasanaeth Nadolig y Cyfnod Sylfaen (yn y bore – yn yr ysgol)
10yb - dydd Gwener, Rhagfyr y 13eg
Foundation Phase Christmas Service (in the morning – in the school)
10am - Friday, December the 13th
(£2 y tocyn / £2 each for a ticket – 3 tickets per family)

17-12-13 Sioe Nadolig yr Adran Iau (yn y bore – yn yr ysgol)
10yb-dydd Mawrth, Rhagfyr y 17eg
Junior Christmas Show (in the morning – in the school)
10am-Tuesday, December the 17th.
(£2 y tocyn / £2 each for a ticket – 3 tickets per family)

17-12-13 Sioe Nadolig yr Adran Iau (yn y prynhawn – yn yr ysgol)
2yp-dydd Mawrth, Rhagfyr y 17eg
Junior Christmas Show (in the afternoon – in the school)
2pm-Tuesday, December the 17th.
(£2 y tocyn / £2 each for a ticket – 3 tickets per family)

18-12-13 Sioe Nadolig yr Adran Iau (yn y bore – yn yr ysgol)
10yb-dydd Mercher, Rhagfyr y 18fed
Junior Christmas Show (in the morning – in the school)
10am-Wednesday, December the 18th.
(£2 y tocyn / £2 each for a ticket – 3 tickets per family)

18-12-13 Sioe Nadolig yr Adran Iau (yn y prynhawn – yn yr ysgol)
2yp-dydd Mercher, Rhagfyr y 18fed
Junior Christmas Show (in the afternoon – in the school)
2pm-Wednesday, December the 18th.
(£2 y tocyn / £2 each for a ticket – 3 tickets per family)

Photographs/Films of the children can only be taken at the end of the performances.

Thank you.

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