Fun Mornings in June:

Fun Mornings in June:

10th May 2016

Are you looking for something for the children to do during half term?

Menter Iaith is offering fun mornings for pupils aged between 5 and 11 during the half term week.
The pupils will get an opportunity to take part in different activities such as cooking, arts and crafts, games etc.

St. James' Hall, Pontypool.

Tuesday 31st - Friday 3rd, June.

Between 10 and 12.

£3 per child per session or £10 for the four days.

Come and enjoy yourselves with us.
A place must be booked before hand.

For more information and too book your place, contact Angharad on 01495 755 861.

To see a copy of the poster, see 'School Letters'.
Thank you / Diolch.

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