Next Week's Arrangements:

Next Week's Arrangements:

6th October 2016

Here are the arrangements for next week at Ysgol Gymraeg Cwmbrân:

Colour of the week for the nursery is yellow - melyn.

Language pattern of the week:

Foundation Phase children: Mae'n ddrwg gyda fi.
Key Stage 2 pupils: Wyt ti'n hoffi ..... Ydw / Nac ydw.


All KS2 pupils will be watching a show on Roald Dahl in school today, performed by 'Mewn Cymeriad' Theatre company.

Pontypool Urdd Club for pupils in years 3-6.
This club is run in St. James Lower Hall, Hanbury Road, Pontypool between 4:30 and 6 every Monday night for just £1 a session.

Pupil of the week assembly.
09:10 in the school hall.

Cooking club for year 2 Miss Hughes' class. 3:30 - 4:30. £1.

Choir practice from 3:30 - 4:30.


Year 6 pupils will be filming in Cardiff today - the pupils will be leaving school at 7:15 am. The pupils can wear sports clothes to school on this day and they will all need a packed lunch please.
Those with asthma will need a pump.

Welsh lessons for parents in the school library. 09:00-11:30.

Urdd club for year 5 and 6 pupils until 4:30.
(No creative writing club at it's Urdd club for years 5 and 6.)

Swimming lesson for Miss Broad's class.

Ffa La La company will be holding a number of creative and musical workshops for the Foundation Phase pupils today.

Year 6 pupils will receive a workshop on internet safety with PC Thomas at 2pm today.

E-safety Workshop for parents / guardians:
Are you worried about keeping your child safe online? If so, come along for an internet safety workshop with PC Thomas. (3:30 - 4:30 in Mr Bridson's class.)

Rugby club for year 4, 5 and 6 pupils until 4:30.

Fitness club for year 4, 5 and 6 pupils until 4:30.


Violin lesson for year 2 - Miss Hughes' class between 09:10 and 10:10.

Hockey lesson for year 6 pupils.

PTA Bake Sale after school on the yard / Mr Bridson's class.
Any donations of shop bought or home made cakes would be greatly appreciated

PTA Coffee Morning: St. Dials Community Hall from 10:30 - 11:30 am.
Come along to find out what the PTA ar about.

Thank you / Diolch.

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