Next Week's Arrangements:

Next Week's Arrangements:

20th October 2016

Here are the arrangements for the week after half term at Ysgol Gymraeg Cwmbrân:

The pupils will return to school on Monday, October 31st.

Colour of the week for the nursery children is purple - porffor.

Language pattern of the week:
Foundation Phase children: Days of the week in Welsh.
Key Stage 2 pupils: Faint o'r gloch yw hi?


Pontypool Urdd Club for pupils in years 3-6.
This club is run in St. James Lower Hall, Hanbury Road, Pontypool between 4:30 and 6 every Monday night for just £1 a session.


The School Council members will be holding a council meeting in County Hall, Pontypool this morning.

PC Thomas will be talking to year 4-6 pupils about the dangers of fireworks and keeping safe during Bonfire night.

Rugby game after school against Henllys, Church in Wales School.
(Those playing have received a letter. Pupils to be picked up at Henllys School at 4:30 please.)

Cooking club for year 2 Miss Hughes' class. 3:30 - 4:30. £1.

Choir practice from 3:30 - 4:30.


Key Stage 2 pupils will be receiving a talk from a scientist who has travelled to the North and South Pole at 1:30 today.

Welsh lessons for parents in the school library. 09:00-11:30.

Urdd club for year 5 and 6 pupils until 4:30.
(No creative writing club as it's Urdd for years 5 and 6.)


Swimming lesson for Miss Broad's class.

Rugby club for year 4, 5 and 6 pupils until 4:30.

Fitness club for year 4, 5 and 6 pupils until 4:30.

There will be an annual general meeting after school at 3:30 in the library. A warm welcome to everyone.


Mr Bridson's class can wear their own clothes to school today as the won attendance of the month for October. Da iawn.

Violin lesson for year 2 - Miss Hughes' class between 09:10 and 10:10.

Hockey lesson for year 6 pupils.

Thank you / Diolch.

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