Teacher Training Session with the Digital Leaders:

Teacher Training Session with the Digital Leaders:

28th November 2016

Five of our Digital Leaders team gave a training session to the staff tonight.

Over the past few weeks, we've started using Purple Mash as a school. The pupils from year 1 to 6 have been given log in details and have been using Purple Mash to code, create 3D models, create databases, write articles and send emails.

Tonight, the Digital Leaders gave a presentation at our staff meeting and each Digital Leader was responsible for one of the tools within Purple Mash. There were five stations set up around the class including 2publish+, 2graph, 2question, 2createandmake and 2connect. The staff were split into groups of three and spent six minutes in each station, being taught by one of our Digital Leaders.

The team worked very hard organizing the training session and we're very grateful to them all for helping us learn about Purple Mash.

Diolch yn fawr.

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