The Week's Arrangements:

The Week's Arrangements:

6th April 2017

Here are the arrangements for the week after Easter at Ysgol Gymraeg Cwmbrân:

Language pattern of the week:

The correct use of 'Roeddwn i', instead of 'oedd fi'.

Band of the week:

Band of the week is Gwibdaith Hen Frân. We'll be listening to 'Coffi du' and 'Car bach fi'.

* No after schools clubs this week, apart from 'Clwb Plant y Tri Arth'. *
After school clubs will restart the week commencing May 8th.

Reminder: A cashless system will be operating for school dinners from today onwards.
There will be no opportunity to pay for dinner with cash.

Fruit money will need to be paid today please. (£4.60 for the term.)


Teacher Training Day.
(No school for pupils today.)


Year 4 pupils will be visiting Cwmbrân library today.
(Both classes will be back in time for school dinner.)

Welsh lessons for parents / guardians in the school library. 09:00-11:30.

Hockey tournament in Cwmbrân Stadium.
(3-5. Those competing have received a letter.)

Year 6 pupils will be going to 'Wings to Fly' in the Congress Theatre.
(Letter to follow after Easter. The pupils will be back in school in time for dinner.)

Urdd Girls' football tournament in Cwmbrân Stadium.
(10:30 - 2:30)
Those competing will receive a letter after Easter.

Swimming lesson for Miss Griffiths' class.


Violin lesson for Mrs Dalgeish's class. (09:10 - 10)

Clwb Hwb during lunch time for KS2 pupils.

Hockey lesson for year 6 pupils.

Thank you / Diolch.

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