The Week's Arrangements:

The Week's Arrangements:

28th April 2017

Here are the arrangements for next week at Ysgol Gymraeg Cwmbrân:

** The National Tests will take place this week. (Pupils in years 2 to 6) **

Language pattern of the week:

The correct use of 'Roeddwn i', instead of 'oedd fi' and 'Doeddwn i ddim'.

Band of the week:

Band of the week is Euros Childs. We'll be listening to 'Sandalau' and 'Bore da'.

* No after schools clubs this week, apart from 'Clwb Plant y Tri Arth'. *
After school clubs will restart the week commencing May 8th.


May Bank Holiday.
(No school for pupils today.)


Welsh Reading Test for pupils in years 2 - 6.

Welsh lessons for parents / guardians in the school library. 09:00-11:30.


Maths Test for pupils in years 2 - 6.

No swimming lesson for Miss Griffiths' class.


English Reading Test for pupils in years 4 - 6.

Violin lesson for Mrs Dalgeish's class. (09:10 - 10)

Clwb Hwb during lunch time for KS2 pupils.

Hockey lesson for year 6 pupils.

Thank you / Diolch.

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