Llangrannog Trip: Reminder:

Llangrannog Trip: Reminder:

7th September 2017

A letter will be sent home tonight to those going to Llangrannog (Years 5 and 6):

At the end of last year, you paid the deposit (£30) to secure your child’s place on the trip to Llangrannog. This year, the weekend trip to Llangrannog for years 5 and 6 is between the 6th and 8th of October and the cost of the trip is £147.

The remaining amount should be paid in full by Monday, October 2nd. (Some have already paid in full or have paid different amounts – the school office has a record of this.)

We should receive medical forms from the Urdd next week which we’ll send home as soon as possible. With the medical forms, we will include a letter giving more information about times, what to take etc.

If you have any questions about the trip to Llangrannog, please contact me.

Diolch / Thank you, Miss Passmore.

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