The Week's Arrangements:

The Week's Arrangements:

14th September 2017

Here are the arrangements for next week at Ysgol Gymraeg Cwmbrân:

** There are no after school clubs this week, apart from Clwb Plant y Tri Arth. **

Language pattern of the week:

Does dim .... gyda fi e.e. Does dim diod gyda fi.
(I don't have .....)

Band of the week:

Band of the week is 'Cowbois Rhos Botwnog'.
We'll be listening to 'Celwydd Golau Ydi Cariad' and 'Dyddiau Du, Dyddiau Gwyn' in school.

Colour of the week for the nursery children is blue. (glas)


Pupil of the week assembly.
(09:10 in the school hall.)

Shakespeare practice after school until 4:30.
(Those who need to stay have received a letter.)


Welsh lessons will start in school today for parents / guardians with 'Learn Welsh Gwent'
(9:15 - 11:15 in the school library.)
For more information about the course, please click on the link at bottom of the page.

Newport County Football Club will be holding a football training session with Mrs Haman's class today. (PM)


Someone from 'Hedgehog Helpline Cymru' will be visiting year 5 and 6 pupils today.
(Please see letter.)

Swimming lesson for Miss Griffiths' class.


Violin lessons for Miss Hughes' class.
(9:10 - 10:10)

Thank you / Diolch.

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