Macmillan Coffee Morning:

20th September 2017
The pupils have all brought a coffee morning invite home with them tonight.
On Friday, September 29th, we'll be holding a Macmillan coffee morning in school. There will be three sessions throughout the day and below are the times allocated to each class:
9:30 - 10:30:
Miss Baker, Miss Sheppeard, Miss Hughes and Mrs Dalgleish
10:45 - 11:45:
Miss Westphal, Miss Broad, Mrs Griffiths-Jones and Miss Williams
1:30 - 2:20:
Mrs Haman, Mr Bridson and Miss Passmore
You're more than welcome to join us for a coffee and a cake on the day. All donations will go to Macmillan cancer support.
We hope to see you there.
For more information about Macmillan coffee morning, visit the website below.