Survey: The use of the Welsh language in Cwmbrân town centre:
5th October 2017
Six pupils walked to Cwmbrân shopping centre today to carry out a survey of the use of the Welsh language there.
The pupils went with their questionnaires to ten shops in the shopping centre today. They had a number of questions to ask the mangers. The pupils will be preparing a report on their findings for parents / guardians over the next few weeks.
The pupils discovered that Doodlebug was the shop with the most Welsh cards and produce.
Marks and Spencer had up to four workers who spoke Welsh.
The pupils had formed a pamphlet with key Welsh words for every shop so they've given these pamphlets to the workers. They have also given out badges which show that they can speak Welsh. These will then make customers aware that the workers can speak Welsh.
The pupils will also try to arrange a meeting with the centre's managers to discuss their use of the Welsh language in Cwmbrân.
Da iawn i bawb.