The Week's Arrangements:

The Week's Arrangements:

23rd November 2017

Here are the arrangements for next week at Ysgol Gymraeg Cwmbrân.

Language pattern of the week:
The use of the word ‘gormod’ (too much) instead of ‘rhy gormod’.

Band of the week:
Band of the week is Calan. We’ll be listening to ‘Pe cawn i hon’ and ‘Kân’ in school.

The colour of the week for nursery children is brown. (brown)


KS2 pupils will be watching a drama on the history of the Mimosa today.


Reception children will be going to see Cyw’s show in Cwm Rhymni today. School uniform please.
Pupil of the week assembly. 09:10 in the school hall.
Art Club for year 3 pupils during lunch time.
Choir practice after school until 4:30.
Cooking club for Mrs Dalgleish's class until 4:30. (£1)


Victorian Day for KS2 pupils. (Years 3 to 6) The pupils can dress up as a child / person from the Victorian era if they wish.

Welsh lessons in school today for parents / guardians with 'Learn Welsh Gwent'
(9:15 - 11:15 in the school library.)

Science Club for year 4 pupils during lunch time.
Chess club during for year 5 and 6 pupils during lunch time.
Urdd Club after school for year 3 and 4 pupils until 4:30. (£1)


Year 1 and 2 pupils will be going to see ‘Hud y Crochan Uwd’ in the Sherman in Cardiff today. They will need a packed lunch please. School uniform.
The nursery children can wear brown clothes / a brown item to school today.
Swimming lesson for Mrs Griffiths-Jones' class.
Woodwind choir for year 4 pupils during lunch time.
Rugby club after school until 4:30 for year 4, 5 and 6 pupils.
Netball club after school until 4:30 for year 4, 5 and 6 pupils.


Non Uniform Day:
We're kindly asking for items for the School Christmas Fair.

Here are the items we'd like:

Nursery / Reception - Colouring books / pencils
Years 1 and 2 - Sweets / boxes of chocolate
Years 3 and 4 - Tins / Biscuits etc
Years 5 and 6 - Reading books

Violin lessons for Miss Hughes' class. (9:10 - 10:10)
HWB Club for KS2 pupils. (12:30-1)

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