Business and Enterprise Week:
8th December 2017
Next week, different people will be coming to hold different workshops with the pupils.
Here are the arrangements for the week:
Someone from Melin Homes will be talking to Mrs Griffiths-Jones and Miss Williams' classes. (1:30)
Gareth from S4C's TAG will be working with Mr Bridson's class. (09:30)
Gareth from S4C's TAG will be working with Miss Passmore's class. (10:45)
STEM programming workshop for year 5 pupils all morning.
Stephen Sandrey from the BBC will be talking to Miss Broad and Miss Westphal's classes. (11:30)
Chris Jones from S4C Weather will be talking to Mrs Haman's class. (1pm)
Miss Broad's class will be walking to Pets at Home. (AM) ** CANCELLED **
Miss Westphal's class will be walking to Pets at Home. (PM) ** CANCELLED **
Mr Davies Palmer from Torfaen Recycling will be talking to Miss Hughes and Mrs Dalgleish's classes. (2pm)
Donna Manning will be holding a workshop with morning nursery and afternoon nursery.
The reception children will be visiting SPAR and the Post Office.
Matthew Cameron (Policeman) will be talking to year 1 and 2 children this morning.
Diolch to our Humanities Team for coordinating the week.