The RSPB's Wild Challenge Bronze Award:

The RSPB's Wild Challenge Bronze Award:

6th June 2018

We've received our bronze award certificate today.

We were very happy to receive this reward as a recognition of the things we do for nature in the school. To be awarded with the certificate, we had to complete six wild challenges which were:

Homes for mini beasts
Food and water for wildlife
Homes for birds
Weather wizard
Mini beast safari
Look closer

The whole school also took part in the Big Schools Birdwatch in February.

The whole school pupils have been part of the project and we're very grateful to the pupils, staff and the Eco Committee members for all their hard work. This work is still going on as we still want to attract more nature to the school garden as we continue to plant flowers and provide homes, food and drink for different birds and animals.

This month, we're taking part in the Wildlife Trust's #30DaysWild and we would love the pupils to get involved at home too. For more information about the 30 days wild challenge, see the website below.


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