The Week's Arrangements:
15th November 2018
Here are the arrangements for next week at Ysgol Gymraeg Cwmbrân.
Band of the week is Mellt. We'll be listening to 'Planhigion gwyllt' a 'Sai'n becso'.
Language pattern of the week is the difference between 'pan' and 'pryd'.
Colour of the week for nursery children is brown. (brown)
Well-being Club for KS2 pupils during lunchtime.
Pupil of the week assembly - 09:10 in the school library.
Art Club for year 4 pupils during lunch time.
Torfaen's Eco Day - some Eco Committee members will be going on a trip today.
(Those going have received a letter. The pupils will need to wear their school uniform and bring a rain coat / suitable footwear. They'll also need a packed lunch.)
P.T.A. Meeting - 3:30 in the school hall.
A warm welcome to everyone.
Cooking club for year 2 pupils - Miss Wena Williams' class. (3:30 -4:30)
Choir practice from 3:30-4:30.
#WheelieWednesday: We're encouraging the pupils to come to school on their bikes/scooters today.
Welsh lessons with Learn Welsh Gwent.
9:15 - 11:15 in the school library.
Year 3 pupils will be visiting St. Gabriel's Church today.
(Miss Broad and Miss Westphal's classes.)
Chess club for year 5 and 6 pupils during lunch time.
(The pupils will need to bring a packed lunch if they wish to attend the club.)
Science Club for year 4 pupils during lunch time.
Urdd club for year 5 and 6 pupils. (3:30 - 4:30)
Netball club for year 3 and 4 pupils. (3:30 - 4:30)
Violin lesson for Miss Hughes' year 2 class.
Swimming lesson for Mrs Lewis' year 4 pupils.
Football session for Miss Passmore and Mr Bridson's classes with Newport AFC.
Rugby Club for year 4, 5 and 6 pupils. (3:30 - 4:30)
Rugby Competition.
(Those taking part have received a letter.)
The pupils will need a packed lunch please and they can come to school in their sports clothes.
Miss Hughes’ class visiting the Cilfynydd Education Centre. (Letter to follow.)
The pupils will need to wear their school uniform and they'll also need a packed lunch please.
HWB Club during lunchtime for KS2 pupils.