The Week's Arrangements:
6th June 2019
Here are the arrangements for next week at Ysgol Gymraeg Cwmbrân.
Well-being club for KS2 pupils between 12:30 and 1.
Pupils from Henllys and Nant Celyn will be coming for a Welsh lesson here in the afternoon.
Pound Fit session after school until 4:45.
Gala Concert - the choir / disco dancers will be performing. Congress Theatre - 12:30.
(The pupils will need to bring their choir uniform and a packed lunch please.)
Art Club for year 4 pupils during lunch time.
Cooking club for year 3 pupils after school. (3:30-4:30)
Choir practice after school. (3:30-4:30)
#WheelieWednesday: We're encouraging the pupils to come to school on their bikes/scooters.
Chess club for year 5 and 6 pupils during lunch time.
Science Club for year 4 pupils during lunch time.
Urdd club for year 3 and 4 pupils. (3:30 - 4:30)
Netball club for year 3, 4, 5 and 6 pupils. (3:30 - 4:30)
Urdd Cricket Tournament - year 4 pupils.
(Those competing have received a letter. The pupils will need to bring a packed lunch please.)
Year 6 road safety workshop - Kate Kerr from Torfaen will be holding a workshop with year 6 pupils today.
Swimming lesson for Miss Broad and Miss Heledd Williams' year 4 pupils.
Nature club for year 2 children during lunchtime.
HWB Club during lunchtime for year 3 and 4 pupils.
Football Club after school for year 4, 5 and 6 pupils. (3:30 - 4:30)
* Sports Day: This has now been cancelled because of the bad weather which is forecast. *
Rags to Riches clothes collection.
The P.T.A will be selling ice cream / lollies at the end of the day today. (50p each)
Diolch yn fawr.