The Week's Arrangements:

The Week's Arrangements:

23rd October 2019

Here are the arrangements for the week after half term at Ysgol Gymraeg Cwmbrân:

Language pattern of the week is 'Ble mae .....? Mae ....'
(Where is .....? ...... is )
Colour of the week for nursery children is purple. (porffor)

Pupils return to school today.
Year 5 and 6 pupils will be watching a performance about the history of the Senedd in Wales today.
No Urdd Club for year 2 and 3 pupils - the club will restart next week.

Rugby club for year 4, 5 and 6 pupils until 4:30.
Cooking club for Miss Hughes' year 2 class until 4:30. (£1)
(This is the last one for Miss Hughes' class)

Sbectrum session for pupils in years 2 and 6.
(See letter sent home in 'School Letters' section of the website.)
Swimming lesson for year 4 pupils in Miss Westphal's class.
Urdd Jabmoree for year 3 pupils in Cardiff Bay.
(The pupils will need to wear their school uniform and bring a packed lunch please.)
Urdd Club for year 3 and 4 pupils until 4:30.
Netball club for KS2 pupils until 4:30.

Urdd football tournament in Cwmbrân Stadium - those taking part have received a letter.
Ffa La La creative sessions for children in the nursery, reception and year 1.
Choir practice after school until 4:30.

Violin lesson for Miss Hughes' class.

Diolch yn fawr.

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