Christmas Jumper Day 2022:

Christmas Jumper Day 2022:

28th November 2022

On Thursday, December 8th, we will be taking part in a Christmas jumper day.

The pupils can come to school dressed in a Christmas jumper / Christmas decoration / non-uniform, if they wish.

This year, we’ve decided that we’re going to help people in the local community by providing bags of toiletries for those who need them. We will be taking the bags to the local food bank, local charities and to the ‘Zero Waste Torfaen’ shop, where they’ll be distributed as needed.

We’re kindly asking for each year to bring in different toiletries for the bags but we appreciate any donations. The list has been organised by the School Council members.

Derbyn / Reception: Sebon / Soap
Blwyddyn 1 / Year 1: Siampŵ / Shampoo
Blwyddyn 2 / Year 2: ‘Conditioner’
Blwyddyn 3 / Year 3: Gel cawod / Shower gel
Blwyddyn 4 / Year 4: Diaroglydd / Deodorant
Blwyddyn 5 / Year 5: Brwsh dannedd / Tooth brush
Blwyddyn 6 / Year 6: Past dannedd / Toothpaste
Meithrin / Nursery: Unrhyw un o’r uchod / Any of the above

Diolch yn fawr.

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